You will now also see non-activated campaigns!
And again there is a new version of MOPPI – my Optimizely Power Inspector with new features that will make your daily work easier:

- You can now also see non-activated campaigns in the campaigns tab. These will also show you why they have not been activated.
- The visibility of inactive campaigns can be set in the options.
But also some small errors have been corrected:
- The options now correctly show which is the active tab when opening the MOPPI panel.
- MOPPI now also reacts correctly if pages and therefore experiments are activated with a time delay. Pages and experiments appear completely in the corresponding tabs.
- …and some smaller issues.
I hope you continue to use this tool as successfully as before.
I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.
Who was Baal?
Ba’al is a Phoenician or Punic deity. The name means “Lord of the Smoking Altars”. He was the main god of Carthage, from where his cult spread to Sicily and Malta. In North Africa, Baal was considered to be the god of fertility in particular. In Sicily and Africa, child sacrifices may have been part of his cult, although historical finds have made this less likely. His name is similar to that of the Egyptian god Amun, therefore it is assumed that he was an oracle god. He was equated with Kronos by the Greeks and with Saturn by the Romans.
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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