MOPPI 2.2.0 Odin published
What's new in this version?
Multi Language Support
To further simplify access to this extension, at least I hope so, I have added more languages to this extension. MOPPI is now based on the language settings of your browser. Available languages are now English, Spanish and German.
Set test cookie
MOPPI now has its own tab that allows you to set or remove the standard test cookie. The tab automatically adjusts its background colour so that you can quickly see whether the cookie is set or not.

Copy experiment information
Each experiment now has its own copy function. This copies all information to the clipboard. The special feature here is that the links to all variants are also copied. This means that you can quickly find out about an experiment and add the relevant links.

Design modified
The new possibilities in the extension have made it necessary to adapt the design. In particular, all interactions can now be found directly under the header of an element.
Who was Odin?
Odin is a central figure in Norse mythology, known as the All-Father and the chief of the Aesir gods. He is associated with wisdom, healing, death, and the runic alphabet. Often depicted as a one-eyed, long-bearded god, Odin sacrificed one of his eyes at the well of Mimir to gain unparalleled knowledge. He resides in Asgard, the realm of the gods, and is accompanied by his two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who bring him news from across the world. Odin is also a prominent figure in the events of Ragnarok, the prophesied end of the world in Norse lore.
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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Unsere Optimizely Kompetenzen sind umfassend, professionell und durch jahrelange Erfahrung geprägt. Wir können Sie auf jedem Level unterstützen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie erst starten oder bereits sehr erfahren im Umgang mit diesem führenden Tool sind.
MOPPI 2.1.0 Neptune published
Open all variations in new tabs with just one click!
You want to check all your variations quite quickly and easily? This is now supported by MOPPI. Just switch to the experiments tab, open the variations overview of an experiment and beneath the table you will find a link. This link opens each variation, including the original, in a new tab.

Who was Neptune ?
Neptune, in Roman mythology, was the god of the sea and water. He was the counterpart to the Greek god Poseidon. Neptune was often depicted with a trident, symbolizing his dominion over the oceans, and he was considered one of the major gods in the Roman pantheon. As the ruler of the seas, Neptune was believed to control the waters, storms, and earthquakes. He played a crucial role in maritime activities, and sailors often worshipped him for safe voyages. In art and literature, Neptune is commonly portrayed as a powerful and majestic figure, reflecting his authority over the vast and mysterious depths of the sea.
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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Sie optimieren bereits selbst und suchen einen Optimizely Freelancer?
Gerne unterstützen wir Sie auch bei er Überbrückung kurz- oder mittelfristiger Engpässe Ihrer eigenen Kapazitäten. Sprechen Sie uns einfach an. Gemeinsam finden wir sicher eine Lösung.
Unsere Optimizely Kompetenzen sind umfassend, professionell und durch jahrelange Erfahrung geprägt. Wir können Sie auf jedem Level unterstützen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie erst starten oder bereits sehr erfahren im Umgang mit diesem führenden Tool sind.
MOPPI 2.0.0 Nemesis published
New major version 2.0 introducing the sidepanel
The changes requested by google for chrome extensions, especially the migration to the new manifest in version 3, have prompted me to revise the extension and implement some new functions. At the same time, I fixed several small bugs.
What is new?
- A sidepanel is now available that displays all relevant information about the script process without having to open the MOPPI standard panel. This also offers a filter and only references the events of the respective tab.
- To open the standard panel faster, there is now a keyboard shortcut: CTRL+Shift+L or CMD+Shift+L
- Event tracking has been expanded. Both page-deactivation events and campaign-decision events are now tracked. The sidepanel also displays navigation events.
- To make it easier to distinguish the events at a glance, they now have colour coding. This is consistent between the standard and side panel.
- Tables have been used consistently wherever they offer a clearer visual representation.
- The custom tracking in the MOPPI log now processes the added data visually better, regardless of whether the data type is object, string, array, etc.
- For personalisation campaigns, the campaign tab directly shows which experience the user is assigned to.
- The same applies to the experiment tab, which displays the variation directly without having to open the variation list.
- The options popup has been expanded to include the new functions so that the filters of the events streams can be preset accordingly.

Are we talking about design? Yes, I realise that this extension won’t win any beauty awards. I’m just not a designer who can make things “pretty”. But maybe I’ll find some support at some point.
Who was Nemesis ?
Nemesis, in ancient Greek mythology, was the goddess of retribution and vengeance. She was often depicted as a formidable force delivering divine punishment to those who displayed hubris or arrogance. In a more contemporary context, the name “Nemesis” has been playfully adopted by software developers as a moniker for a new version that brings retribution to bugs and glitches, delivering vengeance to the coding errors that may have plagued its predecessors. It’s a whimsical nod to the software’s commitment to resolving issues and maintaining a sense of justice in the digital realm, ensuring that no line of code escapes the watchful eye of the modern-day Nemesis.
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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Sie optimieren bereits selbst und suchen einen Optimizely Freelancer?
Gerne unterstützen wir Sie auch bei er Überbrückung kurz- oder mittelfristiger Engpässe Ihrer eigenen Kapazitäten. Sprechen Sie uns einfach an. Gemeinsam finden wir sicher eine Lösung.
Unsere Optimizely Kompetenzen sind umfassend, professionell und durch jahrelange Erfahrung geprägt. Wir können Sie auf jedem Level unterstützen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie erst starten oder bereits sehr erfahren im Umgang mit diesem führenden Tool sind.
MOPPI 1.9.0 Janus published
Use your own logging option
If you wanted to log something during development, you probably used the javascript console.
But if this happens in several places, from different scripts and by different colleagues, it quickly becomes very confusing. That’s why I have extended MOPPI with the possibility of your own logging.
You can now pass logging calls directly to MOPPI and see there what you have logged when and on which page.
All you have to do is use a recent MOPPI version (1.9.0 Janus or higher) and insert a script into your Optimizely project Javascript. You will find this in your project under setting – javascript. Then insert the following code snippet there:
console.optly = function( name, type, data )
var logit = true; if ( ( typeof name !== "string" ) || ( typeof type !== "string" ) ) logit = false;
if ( logit ) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('MOPPI_LOG_FIRED',{ detail: { "name": name, "type":type, "data":data } } )); return true; }
else { console.error("MOPPI log request failed."); return false; }
Once you have done this, you can integrate simple logging commands into your scripts. These require three parameters:
- a text for logging ( string )
- a type of logging entry ( string )
- additional data ( string, number, object, array, undefined or null )
The call is very straightforward:
console.optly( myText, myType, myData );
That’s all there is to it. A call could look like this, for example:
console.optly( "object is incomplete", "alert", {"key1":"value1"} );
How to find the log in MOPPI
In MOPPI itself you will find a new tab called “Log”. ( For this tab you will find all the adjustable options analogous to all other tabs in the extension settings )

As you have probably already recognised, you can see in the name of the tab itself how many log entries are stored. The entries themselves are summarised per URL and also visually separated.
Each entry itself shows you the type followed by the respective name. Below that, you will find the type of the transferred data as well as the data itself.
For the chronological classification, you can see the time at which each entry was recorded in the top right-hand corner.
Of course, you can also delete the entire log. To do so, simply use the bin symbol at the top right next to the heading.