New major version 2.0 introducing the sidepanel
The changes requested by google for chrome extensions, especially the migration to the new manifest in version 3, have prompted me to revise the extension and implement some new functions. At the same time, I fixed several small bugs.
What is new?
- A sidepanel is now available that displays all relevant information about the script process without having to open the MOPPI standard panel. This also offers a filter and only references the events of the respective tab.
- To open the standard panel faster, there is now a keyboard shortcut: CTRL+Shift+L or CMD+Shift+L
- Event tracking has been expanded. Both page-deactivation events and campaign-decision events are now tracked. The sidepanel also displays navigation events.
- To make it easier to distinguish the events at a glance, they now have colour coding. This is consistent between the standard and side panel.
- Tables have been used consistently wherever they offer a clearer visual representation.
- The custom tracking in the MOPPI log now processes the added data visually better, regardless of whether the data type is object, string, array, etc.
- For personalisation campaigns, the campaign tab directly shows which experience the user is assigned to.
- The same applies to the experiment tab, which displays the variation directly without having to open the variation list.
- The options popup has been expanded to include the new functions so that the filters of the events streams can be preset accordingly.

Are we talking about design? Yes, I realise that this extension won’t win any beauty awards. I’m just not a designer who can make things “pretty”. But maybe I’ll find some support at some point.
Who was Nemesis ?
Nemesis, in ancient Greek mythology, was the goddess of retribution and vengeance. She was often depicted as a formidable force delivering divine punishment to those who displayed hubris or arrogance. In a more contemporary context, the name “Nemesis” has been playfully adopted by software developers as a moniker for a new version that brings retribution to bugs and glitches, delivering vengeance to the coding errors that may have plagued its predecessors. It’s a whimsical nod to the software’s commitment to resolving issues and maintaining a sense of justice in the digital realm, ensuring that no line of code escapes the watchful eye of the modern-day Nemesis.
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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