Open all variations in new tabs with just one click!
You want to check all your variations quite quickly and easily? This is now supported by MOPPI. Just switch to the experiments tab, open the variations overview of an experiment and beneath the table you will find a link. This link opens each variation, including the original, in a new tab.

Who was Neptune ?
Neptune, in Roman mythology, was the god of the sea and water. He was the counterpart to the Greek god Poseidon. Neptune was often depicted with a trident, symbolizing his dominion over the oceans, and he was considered one of the major gods in the Roman pantheon. As the ruler of the seas, Neptune was believed to control the waters, storms, and earthquakes. He played a crucial role in maritime activities, and sailors often worshipped him for safe voyages. In art and literature, Neptune is commonly portrayed as a powerful and majestic figure, reflecting his authority over the vast and mysterious depths of the sea.
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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