Preview Mode is better supported!
MOPPI now shows you directly whether you are in preview mode. So you can classify the results very fast and much better. From time to time you forget that you are in preview mode and that some experiments will not be started or some events will not be fired.
To make it easier for you, you can see the preview mode directly above the tab navigation.

In addition, the event overview also shows you on the grouping level whether this page was in preview mode at the time of the call or not.
This also means that one and the same page may appear twice directly after each other. This happens exactly when you leave the preview mode and the page appears in the normal view.
But there are also some minor changes
- The version of MOPPI is now directly visible in the popup.
- The tracking was made more efficient.
I look forward to your feedback, ideas and suggestions.
Who was Dionysos?
Dionysus is in the Greek world of gods the god of wine, joy, grapes, fertility, madness and ecstasy. He was additionally called Bromios (“noisy”), Bacchus (“caller”) or Bakchos by the Greeks and Romans because of the noise his retinue made. Dionysus was often equated with Iakchos and is the youngest of the great Greek gods. In literature and poetry he is often referred to as Lysios (“the Worrybreaker”), but also as Anthroporrhaistes (human crusher).
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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