More on Dynamic Customer Profiles
Since version 1.6, you can view the tables of the Dynamic Customer Profiles in MOPPI. This is and was already very helpful. But there was something that could be improved: Normally you only see the IDs of the tables or the attributes in the tables, which is a good thing.
Now, however, if you have access to the configuration of the DCP of a page, you can have the names of the tables as well as those of the attributes displayed in plain text.
This is made possible in two ways. Let us have a look on how to do it.
Importing the DCP configuration in the optimizely backend
First you have to copy your DCP configuration into MOPPI. To do this, go to the Audiences -> Attributes section in the optimizely backend and open MOPPI. In the Visitor tab, you will see a button “grab mapping data from this page” in the Dynamic Customer Profiles.

If you now click on the button, the DCP configurations are copied into MOPPI.
If you then open MOPPI again on your page, the attributes and the table will now be named correctly and you will no longer see “only” the IDs.
Importing the DCP configuration without backend access
Don’t worry, there is no backdoor. However, there may be a situation where colleagues want to check and view the DCP including the names without having access to the optimizely backend. MOPPI also offers an import option for these, but a colleague with backend access is necessary for support.
And then it’s quite simple:
- The colleague with backend access imports the DCP configuration into his MOPPI.
- Then he switches to the options of the MOPPI extension.
- There he sees all the DCP table configurations that he has saved.
- He can copy each individual configuration to the clipboard with one click in order to send it, for example, by email to a colleague without backend access.
- The recipient can then open the options in MOPPI to import each configuration individually. To do this, simply copy the configuration into the field provided and click on "import".

Quick, easy and convenient….. Have fun with it!
In the footer area of MOPPI, you will now also find the number of the optimizely snippet, i.e. the number of the JS file to be included, in addition to the revision number. The prerequisite for this is that you host the snippet in optimizely’s CDN.
Who was Horus?
Horus is the most powerful god of the ancient Egyptians. But Horus has to fight hard for this position as the most powerful god on earth. And he has to do so against the brother of his father Osiris: the god Seth.
As the god of kings, heaven, light and the world in general, Horus became the main god of the Egyptians over the millennia.
The name of this powerful god: Horus means something like: “the one above, the one far away”.
Horus is usually depicted in the form of a falcon. On many images, however, Horus is also depicted as a god with a human body and a falcon’s head.
The oldest nature of the god Horus, however, was that of a sky god. The two celestial bodies, the sun and the moon, were considered the eyes of the god, the right eye being the so-called sun eye and the left eye the moon eye.
More about Optimizely Dynamic Customer Profiles
If you want to learn more about Dynamic Customer Profiles, I recommend the official documentation from Optimizely:
More about MOPPI
If you want to learn more about the full functionality of MOPPI, you can find a feature overview and some tutorials here:
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